Wild Country has created the ultimate family camping packing list to give you a helping hand. When you are planning a camping trip, it is important to make sure that you have all of the necessary supplies and equipment. This guide will provide you with a list of essentials that you need to pack in order to make your camping trip enjoyable and safe. From tents and sleeping bags to outdoor cooking supplies and more, this list has everything you need.
Camping equipment
To ensure a comfortable and enjoyable camping experience, a good quality tent is essential. Make sure to pick a size that fits the number of people in your group. It goes without saying that your camping equipment is important. Forgetting the essentials is very inconvenient. Here’s what camping equipment you’ll need:
Sleeping equipment
It is important to choose gear that fits the climate you are camping in – thicker sleeping bags with waterproof coatings or windproof designs work best in areas with cooler temperatures or higher winds. Additionally, don’t forget extras like a sleeping pad and pillow so you can get a good night’s sleep! Sleeping needs to be warm and comfy, even more so for longer family camping trips. Making sure you pack for a comfortable sleep will result in a more rested family and a happier holiday:
- Sleeping bag for each camper
- Camping bed/airbed for each camper
- Air pump (if you’re taking an airbed)
- Pillows
- Extra blankets
- Hot water bottles
- Sleeping eye mask (optional)
- Earplugs (optional)
Cooking essentials
Don’t forget to pack your cooking equipment! Whether you’re grilling over a campfire or preparing a full-fledged meal in a camping kitchen, the right tools will make your meals easy and enjoyable. Bring items like camp stoves, pots, pans, cooking utensils, charcoal, matches, and bowls or plates for serving. Unless you plan on eating out every night (hey big spender), then you’ll need to take the cooking essentials:
- BBQ utensils
- Charcoal/firewood
- Camping Stove
- Fuel for stove
- Matches or lighter
- Pans
- Cooking utensils inc. Knife/cooking spoon/spatular
- Corkscrew/bottle opener
- Scissors
- Chopping board
- Camping fridge/cool box
- Plates/bowls
- Cups/mugs
- Cutlery
- Water carrier
- Thermal flask
- Water bottles
- Kettle
- Coffee pot/teapot
- Food
- Tea/coffee/hot chocolate/sugar
- Food storage containers
- Foil
- Skewers
- Condiments/seasonings/spices
- Oil or butter for frying
- Hand towel and tea towel
- Dishcloth/sponge/scourers/tea towel
- Washing up bowl
- Washing up liquid
- Kitchen roll
- Disinfectant spray/wipes
- Rubbish bags
Useful extras
There are a few extras for camping trips that we recommend. Torches, batteries and multi-tools are so handy to have. If you’re camping off the grid, be sure to have a fully charged solar-powered or battery-operated torch or headlamp. Some of these are must-haves, others are a convenient extra. You choose:
- Headtorch/torch/lanterns
- Extra batteries
- Clothes pegs
- Heater
- Gaffer tape
- Citronella candle (to help keep midges away)
- Picnic blanket
- Tissues
- Clothes airer/washing line
- Multi-tool
- Rucksack
- Pet supplies and food
- Umbrella
- Bags for dirty clothes
- Travel wash
- Wet wipes
- Handwash
- Hand sanitiser
Just in case you forget… you’ll need to pack clothes for the whole family:
- Clothes for daytime
- Socks and underwear
- Sun hat
- Sleepwear
- Swimming kit
- Shoes: walking shoes/easy to put on camp shoes/flipflops/wellies
- Layers of warm clothes and coats
- Waterproofs
- Gloves
- Hat
Personal items
These depend on the time of the year and your personal preferences, but its good to have the option:
- Insect repellent
- Sun screen
- Lipbalm
- First aid kit
- Hairdryer/straighteners
- Makeup
- Prescription medicines
- Sunglasses
- Bath towels
- Wash kit
- Toothpaste
- Toothbrushes
- Face cloths
- Deodorant
- Comb/hairbrush
- Soap/shower gel
- Shampoo and conditioner
- Toilet roll
Whether you have children or not, we all like to keep entertained. Here’s some ideas:
- Camera
- Tablet/phones/Chargers
- Radio
- Outdoor toys
- A pack of cards
- Board games
- Bikes and helmets
- Toys
- Laptop and DVDs
- Bucket and spade
Trip planning
- Campsite booking information including their phone number
- Directions and GPS
- Guide books/maps
- Note pad and pen
- Details of nearest doctors/emergency department
This ultimate list of essentials for camping list isn’t exhaustive so be sure to adapt it to your own needs for a stress-free camping trip.
If you’re still on the hunt for a tent, the Wild Country Zonda range may just help you out.